Featured representation.
Representation services.
Site Evaluation
Through the use of easy to understand site templates we provide tenants with important site details including demographics, traffic counts, rental information, and market exploration.
Competition Study
We survey our client’s competition, both actual and planned, giving our clients a clear picture of the retail landscape.
Market Aerials
High quality satellite imagery provides the basis for detailed labeling customized for each client.
Trade Area Assessment
Detailed illustration of trade areas using a combination of market expertise, demographic information and other data. This information helps tenants forecast sales, avoid cannibalization and estimate the total market potential of their brand in a given MSA.
Traffic Count Study
Using the resources provided by state and county government agencies, we provide current traffic count totals for the roads relevant to any site.
Letter of Intent Negotiation
We negotiate the business terms of a lease or contract of sale using either tenant or landlord-generated forms, or in-house documents. These are often supplemented with signage, site plan and other exhibits later made a part of a lease.
Market Analysis
Using a combination of mapping, data from various government agencies, and specific broker expertise we can create an overall market perspective for each client.
Demographic Reports
Use of data from government and census sources helps us provide tenants an extensive selection of current site demographics by mile radii, polygon or drive time. When appropriate, these are supplemented by Postal Drop and Housing Start information.